Experience of ursodeoxycholic acid drug (ursodez) administration for primary biliary cirrhosis patients

Автор: Morozov Vyacheslav Gennadyevich, Khaidarova Liliya Maximovna, Bunkova Elena Borisovna, Topornina Lyudmila Mihaylovna, Malova Elena Sergeevna, Glazkova Ekaterina Yakovlevna, Zharkova Elena Vyacheslavovna, Ribkina Anastasia Alexandrovna

Журнал: Вестник медицинского института "РЕАВИЗ": реабилитация, врач и здоровье @vestnik-reaviz

Рубрика: Клиническая медицина

Статья в выпуске: 1 (17), 2015 года.

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The article provides an assessment of the safety and efficacy of ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) ursodeza for the treatment of patients with primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC). Materials and methods. The study included 7 women with PBC patients aged 44 to 71 years with an anamnesis of the disease from 2 to 6 years. PBC was confirmed by biochemical, immunological (AMA) and instrumental methods. As patients were included in the study, ursodez was administered as a UDCA drug at a dose of 15 mg / kg / day for 12 weeks. The dynamics of clinical symptoms (general weakness, skin itching) was evaluated in points from 0 to 5, biochemical parameters of blood (bilirubin, ALAT, ACAT, GGTP, alkaline phosphatase, cholesterol, protein and fractions) on the 4th, 8th and 12th weeks. Results. After 12 weeks of administration of ursodes, the general weakness was reduced in patients with PBC, the incidence of pruritus became less in 6 of 7 patients. In three patients with bilirubin before the appointment of ursodesa was elevated, by the 12th week it was normal. A significant decrease in the average GGTP index from 154.3 ± 57.8 e / l to 62.8 ± 15.3 e / l (p


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IDR: 14344332

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