Experience in designing an electronic training course on mathematical analysis in the Moodle system

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Currently, the use of e-learning technologies is coming to the fore in education. This is most relevant in the context of higher education, where there is a predominance of modern pedagogical technologies, including e-learning technologies, over traditional ones. In contrast to the presentation of knowledge in a ready-made form in traditional training, e-learning technologies provide for increasing the level of independent work of students at an individual pace on the one hand, providing opportunities for broad communication with other students and joint planning of their activities on the other. The author considers the possibilities of using elements of the Moodle system in the development of a mathematical discipline and shows that Moodle logically complements the traditional form of education. LMS Moodle is one of the most well-known and widespread e-learning management systems. The system is characterized by simplicity and ease of use, wide opportunities for organizing the educational process and monitoring students' knowledge. The article describes in detail the stages of designing an electronic training course for the discipline. The possibilities of the Moodle system for creating an electronic course of the discipline are considered. The article describes the methodological features of developing the information content of the e-learning course. It is reasonable that in the course of training organized in this way, students are involved in active cognitive activity, while students learn a new type of activity in an open access to information, get acquainted with new technologies.


Система moodle, electronic environment, moodle system, e-learning, e-learning course, web-based learning, mathematical analysis, active learning methods

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14117998

IDR: 14117998   |   DOI: 10.36906/2311-4444/20-3/01

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