Experience in designing a program aimed at enhancing university competitiveness

Автор: Tashkinov Anatoly A., Ulrikh Tatiana A.

Журнал: Университетское управление: практика и анализ @umj-ru

Рубрика: Стратегии университетов

Статья в выпуске: 1 т.21, 2017 года.

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The article formulates the tasks facing leading universities of the Russian Federation and related to upgrading their competitiveness and presents the experience of Perm National Research Polytechnic University in developing long term program of upgrading competitiveness in priority areas among the leading Russian and international academic and research centers. The article defines competitive advantages of PNRPU and priority academic and educational areas. The basis for successful development consists of professional and creative teaching and academic staff, managers, as well as young and motivated students willing to get engineering education. Authors look into concrete mechanisms of achieving strategic aims in main areas: academic and teaching activities modernization, formation of innovative ecosystem, personnel potential development, creation of effective university management system, improvement of social and cultural sphere. The article presents main principles of open university creation, forming PNRPU as a recognized Russian and international center in the field of developing high-tech technologies, mastering natural resources and space. Social and economic effects related to new university development program implementation are also evaluated. The article looks into Russian and international best practices in the field of improving global university competitiveness adapted for national research university working in the field of engineering. Attention is given to the aspect of forming modern university management system that would ensure university intensive development in the context of limited available resources. The article can be of interest to other Russian universities engaged in formulating or altering development programs and strategies.


National research university, university competitiveness, development program, educational activities, innovation ecosystem, staff potential, open university, university management system, social and economic effects

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142227184

IDR: 142227184

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