General position of organic agriculture in Western Europe: concept, practical aspects and global prospects

Автор: Van Mansvelt J.D., Temirbekova S.K.

Журнал: Сельскохозяйственная биология @agrobiology

Рубрика: Проблемы, итоги

Статья в выпуске: 3 т.52, 2017 года.

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Here we present a deep analysis of agriculture in Western Europe, the provisions and principles of its ecological direction. It is noted that Germany and France are the leaders of the EU countries for the production of environmentally friendly products. Organic agriculture is viewed as a holistic ecosystem, where each change affects a complex of complex interrelations, which include both genetic species diversity of crops and livestock. In natural ecosystems, the synthesis, decomposition and consumption of nutrients with the participation of green plants (photosynthesis), insects, animals (herbivores and predators), and microorganisms are constantly occurring. The basis of ecological agriculture and organic farming is healthy soil and fertility soil. Fertile and biologically active soil will provide plants with a sufficient number of nutrients for optimal growth and development, minimize possible damage from diseases, pests and weeds. Improvement of soil ecosystems guarantees the best yields, it is a kind of circular model of long-term planning. The combination of plant growing and animal husbandry in the ecosystem is noted. It represents the alternation of processes of synthesis and decomposition, which is accompanied by an increase in the quality of life in soils, plants, animals, in the life of the entire agroecosystem. Organic fertilizers create favorable conditions for inclusion in the agroecosystem elements that accelerate life processes in the soil and thereby ensure the growth of plants. A special role is assigned to the rotation in ecological agriculture. It promotes the cultivation of legumes - the main suppliers of nitrogen in the agroecosystem. It is the most important means of protection against pests and diseases, and it interferes with a long monoculture. It is a mean of regulating weed vegetation. Inclusion of perennial forage crops in crop rotation helps a farmer prevent the extreme growth of each species of weeds to a dangerous level. The importance of manure and slurry for the ecosystem of the soil, as well as that of the straw litter for animals, was noted. Data on hunger and obesity in some countries are given. Integrated agriculture is also considered as an alternative to traditional agriculture. But solving environmental pollution problems by integrated agriculture is less effective. In the EU countries, financial support is provided to organic farming. By 2020, the world market for organic products is projected to be 200-250 billion dollars, with the potential of the Russian market of 700 billion rubles. That is, Russia can account for 10-15 % of the market. In Russia, there is a demand for organic food. Organic agriculture contributes not only to the production of healthy food, but also to the preservation of the habitat, biodiversity and respect for wild and agricultural animals.


Organic products, organic farming, agroecosystems, healthy soil, soil fertility, natural fertilizers, legumes, crop rotation, integrated agrotechnology, biodiversity

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142214047   |   DOI: 10.15389/agrobiology.2017.3.478rus

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