Organization in 1921 of the Repertoire of the Theater at the Kursk Provincial House of Forced Labor

Автор: Liventsev Dmitry Vyacheslavovich

Журнал: Bulletin Social-Economic and Humanitarian Research @bulletensocial

Статья в выпуске: 20 (22), 2023 года.

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The article studies the repertoire of the theater at the Kursk provincial house of forced labor in 1921. In the early years of Soviet power much attention was paid to the issues of resocialization of prisoners. One of the important moments in this respect was the formation of cultural leisure of the supervised contingent. The prison theater at the Kursk provincial house of forced labor successfully re-educated prisoners with the help of art. The repertoire of the theater at the Kursk provincial house of forced labor was diverse and attracted the attention not only of prisoners and prison administration staff. All connoisseurs of the art of Melpomene were offered to watch performances of the prison theater at the Kursk provincial house of forced labor.


Theater, performance, administration, prisoners, house, audience

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IDR: 14128270   |   DOI: 10.52270/26585561_2023_20_22_13

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