Organization and management of congress bureau as a factor of territory brand creation: the role and international experience

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Each society is faced with the decision of how to provide the well-being and high quality of life of its citizens best. Increasingly, cities, states, and nations are turning to tourism as an important element in their economic portfolio as they recognize the potentially significant economic rewards at stake. Much of tourism development entails community development. If handled appropriately, tourism can become an important engine for achieving broader social goals. Whereas societies may aspire to achieve these goals, communities are struggling to manage tourism development effectively. Modern innovative management trends in tourism cluster modernization and diversification processes of the business have been launched: tourism business has grown significantly, the new functional structure has changed, and national tourism services sector broadened and consolidation is the main priority. In this case, Russian MICE-tourism development has recently gained greater urgency. Congress bureau as one of the important element of business tourism and MICE industry development has become a strategic factor of territory brand creation, according to the regional economy diversifications.


Congress bureau, business tourism, mice-индустрия, mice industry, regional tourism and investing potential

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Список литературы Organization and management of congress bureau as a factor of territory brand creation: the role and international experience

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