Weapons and ammunition as an object, method, means and instrument of committing a crime

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The legal nature and the role of weapons as an object, method, means and instrument of committing a crime, as well as issues of the mechanism of causing harm are analyzed in the article. The criminal characteristics of weapons, topical issues of qualification and criminalization of crimes in the field of illicit weapons trafficking are considered. The concept of weapons as the object of a crime is defined and the features of these crimes are considered by the author. Classification of crimes where weapons act as a means and instrument of committing a crime is given, the practice of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation is analyzed as well as the theoretical and practical significance of weapons as an object, method, means and instrument of committing a crime is formulated.


Weapons, ammunition, explosives, object of crime, method of committing a crime, means of committing a crime, instruments of a crime, weapons trade, illicit weapons trafficking, qualification of crimes, court practice, differentiation of criminal liability


Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140304517

IDR: 140304517

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