Understanding the essence of work in the coordinates of dialectics by G. Hegel

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The article reveals the acute relevance of revealing the nature of labor activity from the standpoint of Georg Hegel's social philosophy. Based on the dialectics of the abstract and the concrete, subjectivity and objectness, as well as the use of the theses of K. Marx's political economy, the author concludes that the dialectic of labor as a substance of humanity has a tremendous potential to increase labor efficiency and solve the problems of personnel starvation in post-industrial society.

Abstract and concrete, labor, activity, cognition, division of labor, contradiction, skill, experience, labor productivity

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170207033

IDR: 170207033   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-10-4-98-100

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