Main agents of political socialization of young people in Russia

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This paper focuses on the agents of political socialization of young people and their classification. The paper defines the concepts: agents of political socialization, socialization and political socialization for better presentation of the analysis. To the main agents of political socialization of youth the author refers non-political actors and non-political institutions: family, collective, friends, subjects of the education system. This paradox arose due to the distrust of the young generation in political institutions that should contribute to their socialization. The main reason for this distrust is the perception of political institutions as detached from the real problems of young people.


Agents, political socialization, socialization, youth, political and non-political agents

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170206978   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-10-3-64-66

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