Main methodological problems of contemporary national legal science

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For the first time in national theoretical legal science, the need for a more complete use of the genuine civilizational (social science) approach to the disclosure of nature and essence of state law phenomena is comprehensively grounded. The author of the paper reveals differences between ideological and scientific approaches to explaining the needs for the optimal organization of people's social activities. The patterns of the formation and development of the basic principles of social science are defined. The author shows fundamental differences between the organization of people's vital activity on the basis of essential principles and in accordance with Marxist doctrine. The author substantiates the necessity of the transition of the Russian Federation and Russians to the organization of social life on the basis of naturally-historically emerging basic principles of social science.


Civilizational (social science) approach to the organization of public life, natural state in the history of mankind, humanity's achievement of the values of civil society and the rule-of-law state, basic principles of social science, social contract, human values


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IDR: 142232749

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