Key trends in ensuring sustainable development (the case of China)

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The article provides a scientific analysis of the current features and trends in China's economic development. Among the ways for achieving the country's sustainable development are the following: improvement of the socialist market economic system, development of a circular economy, optimization of the economic structure, encouragement of "green" technology innovations, creation of a system of environmental taxes and fees, and coordination of relations between trade and the environment. We have adduced reasons for the China’s transition to a new stage of development, within which the state builds a moderately prosperous and accelerates socialist society. It is substantiated that the sustainable development of China's economy will definitely achieve great success on the way toward the development of human civilization.


Scientific view of the development, sustainable development, sustainable economic development, circular economy, economic globalization, technological innovation, economic structure, socialist modernization

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148330198   |   DOI: 10.18101/2304-4446-2024-4-100-105

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