The peculiarity of urbanized areas as places of adventive species concentration on the example of the city of Surgut, Khanty-Mansi autonomous district

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Currently, in connection with urban growth, in-creasing the area and population, mass migration of plants, climate change and anthropogenic pro-cesses of globalization, the interest in urban flora is very large. The research of city flora is actual for natural vegetable cover preservation, rare species of the plants which got to city boundaries, and also adventive types identification which break natural balance of vegetation formation. The study of the city flora is important to preserve natural vegetation cover, rare species of plants, trapped in the city limits, as well as the identification of adventive spe-cies disrupting natural balance of vegetation for-mation. In the study the questions of an adventive component formation of flora in the urbanized terri-tory in the conditions of the Siberian North of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area were considered. As a result of the analysis of flora of the city its ad-ventive component which totals 122 species of the higher vascular plants was revealed. Historically, a large proportion of modern urban flora belongs to the neophytes. By the method of immigration there was revealed the highest representation of species accidentally brought to this area (xenobite), and the degree of naturalization was colonopathy, their dis-tribution was limited primarily by the places of the skid. Determining the biomorph revealed that in the analyzed range hemicryptophyte dominated in the analyzed spectrum. The analysis of geographical element indicated the prevalence of kinds with a wide range. The predominant fractions of longitudi-nal groups turned out to be Eurasian and Holarctic. Thus, primary migration (skid) of alien species comes from nearby geographic regions. It was es-tablished that adventive types' distribution across the territory of the city specified that the main sources of revenues to the studied territory of ad-ventive types were railway embankments. Due to the fact that currently there is active development of urban territories, the area of broken lands increases more and more, it creates conditions suitable for adventives species invasion.


Surgut, city flora, advents

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