Features of regional hemodynamic adaptation at the pregnant women living in conditions of large industrial centre

Бесплатный доступ

The purpose of research is studying the laws of regional hemodynamic adaptation at physio-logical pregnancy. Research was carried out prospective. In total 188 pregnant women in dy-namics of gestation are investigated. It is proved, that during physiological gestation parame-ters of regional hemodynamic are essentially change. It is impossible to apply the normative values received at inspection not of pregnant women to their estimation. Characteristics of re-gional hemodynamic in regions of bottom finitenesses, thorax and brain characteristic for physiologically proceeding pregnancy are certain. The deviation from normal values, character-istic for the given term of pregnancy, can be used as diagnostic and prognostic criterion of the complicated current of pregnancy.


Pregnancy, regional hemodynamic, processes of adaptation

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14899893

IDR: 14899893

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