The biological sample features during the gaff disease outbreak in the Tyumen region (2019-2021)

Автор: Glazunova Larisa Alexandrovna, Shults Vadim Nikolaevich, Yurchenko Angelina Alekseevna, Glazunov Yuri Valerievich, Musina Anastasia Ruslanovna

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Ветеринария и зоотехния

Статья в выпуске: 4, 2022 года.

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In less than a hundred years, 31 outbreaks of Gaff disease have been recorded in the world. Today, the only way to determine the toxicity of water bodies and their unfavorable condition due to Gaff disease is to perform a biological test. The purpose of the research is to determine the features of the manifestation of clinical signs in white mice involved in biological samples. Biological samples were set up in accordance with MU 13-5-2/2015 “Method for determining toxic substances in fish that cause alimentary-toxic paroxysmal myoglobinuria (ATPM) in humans and animals on white mice”, approved by the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia on October 23, 2003. The studies were carried out during the period from 10/24/2019 to 07/09/2021, 9 biological samples were carried out by feeding the internal organs of fish (crucian carp) caught from Lake Andreevskoye and Lake Ishmenevskoye of the Tobolsk District of the Tyumen Region. It was established that during the observation period, the toxin accumulated in the fish, which was expressed in a reduction in the duration of the biological test and the death of the first mice in the experiment. The duration of positive biological samples when feeding fish from Lake Andreevskoye, Tobolsk District, Tyumen Region, was 16.5±2.43 days. The appearance of the first clinical signs: food refusal, decreased motor activity, disheveledness, lethargy, food refusal, blepharoptosis, trembling, triangle posture, paralysis of the hind limbs was recorded on the 4.62±3.6 day of the experiment. The death of the first animals in the experimental groups varied in the positive biological sample, starting at 12.6±2.88 days. The average duration of biological tests on white mice when feeding fish caught from Lake Ishmenevskoye, Tobolsk District, Tyumen Region, was shorter than when conducting an experiment with material from Lake Andreevskoye, and amounted to 11.67±2.89 days. The first signs of toxicosis appeared on the 3.33±0.89 day. The death of the first mice in the experimental group was noted on the 5.33±0.44 day of the experiment.


Limentary-toxic paroxysmal myoglobinuria, atpm, gaff disease, biological test, white mice

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140294669   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2022-4-111-119

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