Features of existence of songs folklore Estonian, German and Russian inhabitants of Shipunovsky area on steppe Altai (on materials of expeditions 2005-2009)

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Songs national traditions of inhabitants Shipunovsky area of Altay Territory are rich and unique by that were formed as a result of merge of several waves of resettlements. In the publication on the basis of materials of ethnographic expeditions 2005-2009 years are opened questions of interaction among themselves of three branches of cultures - Estonian, German, Russian, the analysis of languages for songs is made, the characteristic of song folklore (manner of execution, structure of a melody, rhythmic figures and other) is given. The authors allocate four basic directions which have been usual as a result of integration songs traditions of these groups resettlements: Estonian, Estonian-Russian, German, Russian.


Altai, russian, estonians, germans, culture, folklore, traditions of song, ethnographic expeditions, informants, integration of traditions, shipunovsky area, resettlements, villages

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14737153

IDR: 14737153

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