Features of pricing in the ecological building

Автор: Sergachev A.A.

Журнал: Вестник аграрной науки @vestnikogau

Рубрика: Экономические науки

Статья в выпуске: 4 (85), 2020 года.

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Construction is a leading branch of the national economy, which solves vital tasks of creating a material base that determines the country's production potential and the development of the non-production sphere. The pricing factor has a great influence on the environmental and economic characteristics of the construction. Pricing in the construction is implemented using a mechanism that includes the cost of services and construction materials in the construction market. Pricing policy in the construction industry is determined by the General pricing policy and General pricing principles for all sectors of the national economy. In the context of the crisis and sanctions, the share of imported basic construction materials has decreased. For example, the import of bricks and cement decreased about 5 times, while their production by Russian factories did not increase, as a result, the price of domestic building materials increased by 25%. Russia has a sufficient raw material base for the production of any environmentally friendly building materials, including domestic bricks and building mixes. All of the above points shows the necessity for our country to organize special control over its own production of eco-friendly building materials, this will significantly reduce construction prices and significantly increase the rate of recovery from the crisis and increase the competitiveness of the domestic economy. The implementation of the construction is based on the estimated and regulatory base of pricing and other laws and regulations acts that are mandatory if the Federal budget is considered as the source of funding. When calculating the cost of construction of many objects, the existing pricing systems are not perfect, they are based on outdated standards, which require development of new standards that meet the new modern construction, based on environmentally friendly technologies and building materials.


Pricing in the construction industry, eco-friendly construction, features of pricing in eco-building

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147228868

IDR: 147228868   |   DOI: 10.17238/issn2587-666X.2020.4.153

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