Features of formation of motivation system in innovative organizations of different types

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In modern conditions, almost every organization of any branch of the national economy solves the problem of change and improvement, which create a competitive advantage of one company over others, allow you to maintain and strengthen its position in the market. Material resources tend to be exhausted. Intellectual resources of the organization, region, country - is the only inexhaustible source that allows you to remain at the world level of development. The ability of new knowledge to save the necessary labor and resources gives them a special use value-the ability to reduce the cost of products or services. In contrast to the methods of working with the existing, "Mature" product, business with a new product that has the best consumer properties, is associated not only with the economic aspects of management (to seek and develop a new market), but also with technological (to develop and improve the product itself to the needs of the market).


Innovative types of organizations, small innovative organizations, venture organizations, science and technology parks (technoparks), technopolises, business incubators, technology transfer centers, motivation, efficiency

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IDR: 148319230

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