Functioning features of foreign vocabulary for the Instagram language
Автор: Agureeva E.V.
Журнал: Международный журнал гуманитарных и естественных наук @intjournal
Рубрика: Филологические науки
Статья в выпуске: 6-1 (33), 2019 года.
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The research is dedicated to the analysis of foreign vocabulary in Instagram social network. The reasons for using foreign words such as saving speech efforts, creation of a special jargon between internet users and pursuit of language game - are cleared up. Almost every single word, that is used in that kind of communication, is a transliterated Americanism, which keeps its graphical structure.
Instagram, language, foreign words, communication, jargon, barbarism, social network
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 170186424 | DOI: 10.24411/2500-1000-2019-11254