Functioning features of the creative industries organizations network

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The relevance of the study of creative industries within the context ofnetwork theory methodology is due to the need to determine approaches to research that combine the possibilities of describing the economic characteristics ofan organization's activities and consider the peculiarities of the formation ofa creative product, in particular the multiplicity of formation stages and the intangible form ofa creative product. The purpose of the article is to identify the features of the structure and characteristics of connections in the creative industries network. The research method is the analysis of resource dependence between organizations belonging to the creative industries complex. The research information base includes statistical information regarding the costs ofproducing a creative product. The results obtained show that the network of organizations related to the creative industries has a predominantly vertical structure without the predominance of individual partici pants, which corresponds to the network configuration - "value chain". The most intensive inter-industry exchange is observed in the infrastructure sectors for the creative industries - the development of computer software and advertising services, since these industries make a significant contribution to the release of creative products.


Creative industries, network approach, network research methodology, structure of the creative industries network

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IDR: 148328348

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