Features of the gas chromatography vapor-phase analysis and methods of increasing its accuracy

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Headspace analysis is widely used in determining the content of pollutants in drinking, natural and waste waters. However, when working with volatile components there is a risk of loss of the investigated component and reduce the accuracy of the analysis. The aim of the study was the investigation of practice-proven ways of simplifying the analysis and increasing its accuracy. The recommendations relate primarily to the preparation of calibration solutions, sample preparation and analysis. It is advisable to replace volatile solvents by less volatile and more viscous and to perform a single sample and store the stock solution at lower temperatures (from -10° C to - 20° C). It is also necessary to pay attention to the sealing of samples, the selection of cept and the condition of syringes. More stable results can be obtained on the instrument SHIMADZU GC 2010 with middle lays capillary column Rtx-VRX, the division of the flow of 2:1, at a rate of 1.3 ml/min, column temperature 120 0 C, the analysis time of 14, 0 minutes. The compliance with these and other recommendations in the article can significantly reduce labor costs; improve safety and precision of the analysis, which is especially important for the mass monitoring studies.


Vapor-phase analysis, injecting, single test, sample preparation, chromatogram, definition accuracy

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14084118

IDR: 14084118

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