Features of origin of horse bridle in early Scythian time of Minusinsk depression

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The elements of horse bridle are the important source of ancient history of Eurasian societies. In archaeology they often serve as indicator of different cultures and eras. On the territory of Minusinsk depression the origin and development of horse bridle have its own specific character, requiring detailed research. In the work there viewed the correlation of bridle types of Early Scythian period of Minusinsk depression and neighboring territories. The statistics is given. There is a detailed view of horse bridle of Minusinsk depression, having no analogs beyond. There given its reconstruction and the hypothesis of its implementation is formed. There made a conclusion about specific features of horse bridle of Minusinsk depression in Early Scythian period.


Minusinsk depression, early iron age, tagar culture, horse bridle

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14737292

IDR: 14737292

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