Features of homeostatic regulation of swimmers of different age

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The article shows the features of homeostatic regulation of swimmers aged 9-12 and 13-16 years in terms of adaptation to specific physical loads. The effectiveness of non-specific adaptation processes was determined with the help of the hematological methods by the ratio of leukocytes (segmented and banded neutrophils, eosinophils, lymphocytes, monocytes) in leukocyte formula, as well as hemoglobin and hematocrit concentrations have been identified. Physical performance and aerobic capacity have been assessed with the use of the PWC170 test, where the implementation of two load stages of different power have been provided (W1=40-50 watt, heart rate 150-155 BPM и W2=100-120 watt, heart rate 165-170 BPM). The partial pressure of oxygen in the exhaled air samples was recorded using a radio-measuring gas analyzer of the PGA-KM type (for oxygen analysis) in the final minute of W1 and W2 loads. The results have been processed using parametric methods of mathematical statistics...


Homeostasis, regulation, formed blood elements, aerobic potential, system interconnections, age characteristics of adaptation, young swimmers

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IDR: 142219804

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