Features and prospects for the application of digital technologies in modern vocational education

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The article characterizes current trends in the development of information technologies, features of their application in the process of vocational education. The authors highlight modern approaches and methods for using educational information technologies, the most common research approaches. The conceptual positions of individual scientists have been clarified, the advantages and disadvantages of using digital technologies both in the process of professional education and in everyday life have been differentiated. The authors substantiate their own trends in the development and application of information technologies in the process of professional education: the “reverse” process of information exchange, the blurring of boundaries between the real and virtual pictures of the world, blogging as an innovative construct of the journalistic profession. Examples of new professions are given that today’s graduates of an educational institution are guided by in their professional self-determination (at the present stage of development of socio-economic relations of the Russian Federation, leading experts identify from the top 5 to the top 10 new professions related to the development of information technologies in the world, including professions requiring the practice of communicating with neural networks). Practitioners will be in demand for the author’s proposed concept of fact as the basis for developing individual behavior in the educational environment, analysis of transformations of fact that influence the behavior of the student. The authors provide evidence that in modern educational practices, leadership shifts not to the presence of a fact, but to the public opinion that is formed in relation to this fact. In conclusion, it is concluded that the current state of implementation of digital technologies in everyday practice and in the process of professional education should be characterized as transitional, since phenomena associated with digital technologies are just entering everyday practice and their manifestation (trends) remains to be studied.


Information technology, vocational education, educational practices, artificial intelligence, communications, new professions, digital reality

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142240230

IDR: 142240230

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