Body mass index of various somatotype mature women

Автор: Starchik O.A., Nikitjuk D.B.

Журнал: Морфологические ведомости @morpholetter

Рубрика: Оригинальные исследования

Статья в выпуске: 4 т.23, 2015 года.

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Body mass index (BMI) was studied in various constitutional groups of mature women somatotyped by method of I. Galant - B. Nikitjuk - V. Chtecov. It was found the minimal BMI was registered in leptosomal somatotype of all female age groups and women with megasomal constitution had the most numbers of this indicator. BMI analyzed in age aspect for women group with different somatotype had minimal rates in light-bone asthenic somatotype and it was maximal in old age group women of big-boned euriplastic somatotype. The study showed the lowest variability of BMI in all age female groups with asthenic and stenoplastic somatotype.


Body mass index, mature women, constitution, somatotyping

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IDR: 143177069

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