Specific features of innovative management of sociocultural regional cluster

Автор: Posokhova Natalia Viktorovna, Plyushkina Natalia Egorovna

Журнал: Теория и практика общественного развития @teoria-practica

Рубрика: Социологические науки

Статья в выпуске: 18, 2014 года.

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The article defines the content of the innovative management of sociocultural cluster in the region, according to which the coordinating core of the cluster is a public authority (regional Department of Culture), around which social, cultural, educational, administrative, innovational and financial sectors are coordinated. Along with the advantages of the cluster technology, the authors note that there are serious management and financial problems that hinder the development of this cluster.

Socio-cultural sphere, region, innovative management, organizational structure, regional authorities, cluster, cluster approach, innovative development

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14936249

IDR: 14936249

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