Features of the constitutional process in a federation entity (on the example of the constitutional court of the land of Brandenburg)

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The article reveals some features of the work of the Constitutional Court of the Land Brandenburg (Federal Republic of Germany). The timeliness of the topic is due to several factors. Firstly, the land of Brandenburg refers to the Group of subjects of the Federal Republic of Germany, whose lawmakers, when organizing their own constitutional authority, took into account, used the experience of other lands, and boldly introduced their own democratic and modern innovations. Secondly, the address to the experience of organizing and functioning of the German model of the Constitutional Court, helps to understand many problems existing in constitutional (statutory) monitoring in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, sheds light on the problem of defining a clear course of improving both the structure of entities’ courts and their functioning. The study addresses the history of constitutional justice in this Land. The authors examine the composition of the Court, the order of election and requirements for judges. Technical and procedural nuances of its activities are revealed. The authors analyse in details the powers of the Court and the process of making and rendering of decisions of the case.


Constitutional court, complaint, germany, judge, land, constitution, decision, lawsuit

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142232807

IDR: 142232807

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