Features of the classification of crimes related to the illegal traffic of firearms manufactured through the use of 3D modeling and printing

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The purpose of the article - to consider the problem of qualifying crimes related to the illicit trafficking of weapons made through the use of 3D printing. Comparative legal, formal logical, as well as general scientific methods were used. The article provides characteristics of firearms manufactured using 3D printing, as well as the possibility of resolving issues regarding the classification of crimes related to the recognition of such items as weapons, as well as the possibility of improving legislation regulating the circulation of weapons. The article has high scientific value, since it is one of the first attempts to consider the possibilities of improving legislation to effectively counter the growing threat of the proliferation of disposable weapons.


3d-оружие, 3d-печать

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140304580

IDR: 140304580   |   DOI: 10.52068/2304-9839_2024_66_1_71

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