Features of neurohumoral regulation of heart rhythm of 12-16 year-old schoolchildren during their stay at a children's camp (on the example of the ICC "Artek")

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Today, in the conditions of modernization and technological effectiveness of the education system, the international Children's Center «ARTEK» has reached a new level of development, actively introducing new network educational modules in the process of teaching students, forming a new educational space. Special climatic conditions of the Republic of Crimea together with additional and partner educational programs caused considerable tension of physiological systems of an organism of school students. As a result, the energy efficiency of the activities was reduced. The distribution of cases in the grid plan of the children's camp is an important component of both educational and recreational processes. The study of adaptive changes in neurohumoral regulation of heart rate by means of modern non-invasive cloud technology Omegawave Coach+ revealed the tension of regulatory mechanisms of children of different ages. The registered statistical (SDNN, RMSSD, MxDMn, pNN50%, AMo, IN) and spectral (TP, HF, LF) parameters of heart rate variability and super-slow brain waves (Dc potencial) indicate that 41 schoolchildren aged 12-16 years in the organizational and final periods of the camp shift are dominated by the activity of the sympathetic department of the autonomous nervous system and the super-slow component of the brain system...


Heart rate variability, super slow brain waves, education, health, children's camp

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142221986

IDR: 142221986

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