Features of oxymorons in the art world of Ashim Dzhakypbekov

Автор: Iimangazieva A.

Журнал: Бюллетень науки и практики @bulletennauki

Рубрика: Филологические науки

Статья в выпуске: 2 т.10, 2024 года.

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An article analyzes the actual problems of language profiling, which is currently one of the most important studies of both the Kyrgyz language and Kyrgyz literature. The role of language, which is the main medium of communication, reviving artistic work, creating imagery, beauty, and expressiveness of speech, has been determined. It has been noted that it is poets and writers who use language in different ways to create a stylistic effect, and the main task of linguistics is to learn the language and style of writers. The most important object of research in linguistics is oxymoron. The article conducts a scientific and theoretical analysis of oxymoron. Oxymoron is regarded as a syntactic technique, formed based on an unusual combination of opposing concepts, as a peculiar figure of speech, created by a combination of words with opposite meanings. It is noted that now the oxymoron is used as a language norm in colloquial speech, journalism, in artistic works, that a person’s worldview, his ability to think, and imagination are expressed through speech activity with the help of language. As the examples show, on the one hand, if the oxymoron as the object of study is not subjected to extensive research, it is impossible to determine the nature and detail of speech. On the other hand, the author’s personal style, originality, and writing character are fully disclosed only when a high level of stylistic analysis of the work is carried out. In the example of the works of Ashim Dzhakypbekov, linguistic data on the internal structure of texts and themes of oxymorons are given. The oxymorons in the artistic world of the greatest master of the word, creatively using the wealth of the Kyrgyz language, have been deeply analyzed. The specificity of oxymorons in the work of Ashim Dzhakypbekov is considered together with the plot of the works. Text materials have been analyzed to determine the vocabulary richness of the Kyrgyz language, the importance and possibilities of linguistic means of expressiveness, the comprehensiveness of perception of reality with the help of expressions consisting of two contradictory words or phrases, and their impact on perception.


Linguostylistics, kyrgyz language, oxymoron, syntactic reception, stylistic figure, antonymic word, specificity of creativity, style of writer, lexical basis

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14129688

IDR: 14129688   |   DOI: 10.33619/2414-2948/99/73

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