Features of the organization of ensuring the personal safety of employees of internal affairs bodies during off-duty hours

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The article discusses the peculiarities of the organization of personal security of employees of internal affairs bodies (hereinafter - ATS) off duty. Currently, the personal safety of police officers depends on the knowledge and observance of personal safety measures during off - duty hours, which in turn minimizes the risk of injury and injury, as well as reduces the threat to the life and health of employees, and also allows you to effectively solve the tasks assigned to the police officer. Therefore, special attention is paid to finding the most effective ways to improve the methods of ensuring the personal safety of police officers in addition to the service. The labor legislation states that any employee who is not involved in overtime work in accordance with the established procedure is free from performing work duties at the end of the working day and during other rest periods. However, this rule cannot be fully attributed to the employees of the Department of Internal Affairs, since it threatens legally protected interests. In such a situation, not only a moral duty will not allow an employee of the Department of Internal Affairs to do nothing, but also regulatory legal acts oblige him to stop various offenses.


An employee of the department of internal affairs, personal safety outside office hours, neuropsychological tension

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142241095

IDR: 142241095

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