Features of implementation of the state land supervision

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This article discusses the features of the implementation of legal regulation of control and Supervisory activities in the field of land relations. The description of the state land supervision as a mechanism of implementation of land protection and an important link in the system of public administration in the field of land use is presented. It is noted that the activities of the state land supervision lead owners, landowners, land users to the rational use of land in accordance with their intended purpose and conditions of provision, to compliance with the requirements established by law. For this purpose, the legal framework of control and supervision in the field of land relations has been studied.


Land, property, land relations, supervision, control, regulation, legislation

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170186592

IDR: 170186592   |   DOI: 10.24411/2500-1000-2019-11507

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