Features of pathoanatomical picture of acute radiation sickness in a patient with regard to a type of exposure and radiation dose

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Pathology picture for 5 patients exposed to radiation as a result of an accident is given. Radiation doses was ranged from 600 to 8600 rem. Three types of the course of acute radiation sickness are described, they are: 1) severe damage of the central nervous system caused by the direct effect of radiation on it at doses exceeded 10000 rem made a main contribution to the clinical picture of the disease and pathogenesis, this was caused by endogenic toxicosis following radiation exposure at doses ranged from 5000 to 10000 rem; 2) intestine damage at doses from 1000 to 5000 rem which made a main contribution to the clinical picture of the disease; 3) damage of haematopoietic system made a main contribution to the clinical picture of the disease - the typical form of acute radiation sickness (less 1000 rem).


Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170169828

IDR: 170169828

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