Features of the implementation of social responsibility of business by Russian large industrial enterprises (based on materials from the Kemerovo region)

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The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the implementation of social responsibility of business, in the context of the ESG agenda, by large domestic industrial enterprises. In particular, the basic problems are highlighted, such as: 1) the overwhelming share of enterprises implementing socially responsible activities are part of large national and transnational corporations, which leads to the consolidation of the social sector and a decrease in attention to the problems of the territory of presence; 2) an unevenly positive response according to ESG criteria, the impossibility of leveling the negative impact of the environmental factor; 3) insufficient preparation of large businesses to solve social problems, lack of attention to the consistency and effectiveness of social investments.


Social responsibility of business, social investments, esg criteria, environmental factor in economic development, sustainable development of commercial activity, interaction between government and business

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/143182493

IDR: 143182493

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