Characteristics of masticatory apparatus reduction among population of Penza and Penza region

Автор: Kalmin O.V., Malanjin I.V., Zyulkina L.A., Ivanov P.V.

Журнал: Саратовский научно-медицинский журнал @ssmj

Рубрика: Глазные болезни

Статья в выпуске: 2 т.6, 2010 года.

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The research goal is to investigate regional characteristics of masticatory apparatus reduction of population of penza and penza region. 116 female and 98 male patients at the age between 21-36 were under study. According to the research results, mesio-distal reduction level of molars and incisors with sex factor was found out. Evaluation of teeth reduction indices was effected

Anomaly, masticatory apparatus, reduction, odontometry, phylogenesis

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IDR: 14917085

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