Land reclamation features disturbed by well clusters development (on the Sugmut deposit materials)

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Purpose of research - to consider the features of reclamation of lands disturbed during the arrangement of well clusters. Object: the territory of the Sugmut field. Subject of research: a set of measures for the reclamation of disturbed lands. Reclamation of disturbed lands, as a rule, aims to restore the fertile soil layer for further use of the territory. The development of vegetation cover, as is known, contributes to the stabilization and inhibition of these unfavorable processes, thus, we are talking about the optimization of technogenically transformed landscapes. The field is located in the Nadym and Purovsky Districts of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The climate is sharply continental. The construction of oil field facilities has a direct impact on the state of the soil cover due to the withdrawal of land plots. Land plots for construction projects are allocated for long-term and short-term lease. Restoration (reclamation) is subject to disturbed lands transferred on a short-term lease for the period of construction. All work on the restoration of disturbed lands is carried out within the construction strip. The construction strip is calculated on the basis of a complex of construction and installation works on it, but does not exceed the width of the right-of-way. After the completion of work on the sites of the clusters, the lands occupied for temporary use for sludge pits and territories for the placement of objects necessary for the period of drilling operations are subject to reclamation. Before the start of reclamation works, sludge pits are subject to liquidation. Reclamation works include cleaning the cluster sites from scrap metal, debris, equipment and materials; planning of the territory previously occupied by the barn; sowing grass seeds in planned areas on a layer of peat-sand mixture. The cost of environmental protection measures for the reclamation of areas disturbed during the construction of the projected facilities amounted to 9,371,825 rubles.


Reclamation of disturbed lands, technical stage, biological stage, well clusters, reclamation works, natural restoration

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140293567

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