The features of the relief and landscape structure of the state nature reserve "Stolby"

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The relief of the territory of the reserve "Stolby" has accurate level structure, typical of the areas experiencing long faltering uplift. In the history of its development such cycles of erosive and tectonic partition and subsequent alignment revealed re-peatedly showing that they received reflection in step or level structure of interfluves of Mana, Ba-zaikha. In this territory there are structural denuda-tion, denudation and accumulative types of relief: weathering, leveling surfaces, erosion-denudation slopes, erosion slopes, denudation slopes of moun-tains as well as karst forms of relief, i.e. crates, funnels, caves are widespread. The territory of specially protected area is in the limits of boreal and continental mountain and taiga complex, the following natural landscapes are distinguished: tai-ga lowland structural-denudation, taiga low erosion-denudation, accumulative-alluvial zone. In the terri-tory of the reserve it is possible to allocate two ge-netic categories of slopes: primary and actually denudation (secondary). Primary slopes are formed on the remains of syenite rocks, they usually have rather steep tilt angles, are exposed to material moves along them under the influence of gravity. Actually denudation (secondary) slopes arised due to primary slope, which had angles of inclination of 15-30 degrees or less. When comparing the scheme of zones of distribution of quarternary edu-cations in the territory of national park "Stolby" and cards of pollution of vegetation of reserve atmos-pheric pollutant (in the percentage of lichens viabil-ity) it was confined to the zone of deluvial deposits spreading and coincided with the boundaries of the territory of spreading denudation relief, the zone of colluvial and deluvial deposits accounts for the load in the range of 60-100 % of the viability of the li-chens.


Relief, reserve "stolby", quarternary deposits, geo-morphology

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IDR: 140224170

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