Features of the health state of weak sighted children of young school age who are students of the educational organization

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Child population, having various pathologies of the visual analyzer, is steadily increasing every year. Growth and development of a child with visual disorder leads to the development of the secondary deviations of the main defect with the absence of an effective work on their correction. Studying the health status of children with visual pathology seems to be a fairly relevant direction of pedagogy, which in the future will make it possible to effectively use various means and methods of adaptive physical education taking into account the existing contraindications, caused by the main defect. Research aim. To reveal the features of the health state of weak sighted children of young school age with different level of intelligence who are students of educational institutions. Research organization. 49 students of primary school age from the SBEE school № 91 (Krasnodar) took part in the study. Children, who participated in the study, were divided into two groups: children with visual disorders with safe intelligence and children who, in addition to visual pathology, also showed mental defectiveness. Research methods. The following research methods were used: analysis of medical records, work with the reporting documentation of the educational organization. Research results. The most common visual pathologies of children of primary school age have been identified, such as partial atrophy of the optic nerve, retinopathy of prematurely-born, strabismus, astigmatism, and hyper-opia. The analysis of the associated diseases of this contingent has been also conducted; the most common pathologies have been identified: perinatal central nervous system damage, hypertrophy of palatine tonsils and adenoids. The period of pregnancy and childbirth of children's mothers who took part in the study has been analyzed. It was found that a significant number of children had been born prematurely with low body weight, had pathologies of the period of childbirth, Rh-conflict and pathological hyperbilirubinemia. Among the secondary deviations, the most common were posture disorders, scoliosis, violation of the arches of the foot. Conclusion. The comprehensive analysis of the health status of children with visual disorders allowed to form a general picture of the relationship of the major ophthalmic pathology and the most associated diseases, as well as the secondary deviations of children caused by them. The revealed health features of weak sighted children allow to expand the understanding of medical and pedagogical features of the studied contingent and take them into account during the development of methods of conduction of adaptive physical education classes.


Health status, children with visual disorders, young school age, ophthalmic pathology, secondary deviations, adaptive physical education, adaptive basic general education program

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142225889

IDR: 142225889

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