Features of modern transformation of agrarian complex of the Bryansk region

Автор: Kunitsa M.N.

Журнал: Вестник аграрной науки @vestnikogau

Рубрика: Экономические науки

Статья в выпуске: 6 (69), 2017 года.

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The article is devoted to the modern features and problems of the functioning of the agrarian complex on the pattern of the Bryansk region of Central Russia. The results of analysis of the agricultural structure transformation as a "response" to new challenges including ecological Chernobyl catastrophe are presented in this work. Processes of transformation are distinguished by the combination of trends typical for old-developed regions and specific tendencies. The main regularities - cyclicity, assymmetry, transition from compression to expansion of the agrarian area are defined. The change of stages of the agriculture development: protracted crisis - unsteady reconstruction of production - increase in the recent years, takes place. It is stimulated by the realization of the national project "Development of agro-industrial complex" and policy of import substitution. The general features and problems of the transformation of the agrarian complex are discovered. The article reflects the specificity of its leading directions. The organizational structure of agriculture is becoming more complicated. There is a search for effective production "niches" for enterprises. Gradual overcoming of deindustrialization is observed. The transformation of land use is taking place. Particularly negative process for the period of analysis is considerable decrease in the planting acreage even against the background of its modern growth. The structure of the land fund of different categories of economies is changing. The change of production trends - from long reduction to increase in most branches is a typical process. The expressed feature is transformation of specialization of agriculture with return towards the predominant animal husbandry over plant-growing. The processes of concentration and polarization of rural districts are intensified. For achieving stable development of agrarian complex of the region it is necessary to overcome systematic problems. The intensification of production is one of the leading directions. The reintegration of protractedly unused lands into agricultural rotation, especially in the south-west mostly radioactive polluted areas, is important.


Agrarian complex, agriculture, transformation, process, structure, branch, production, region

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147124471

IDR: 147124471   |   DOI: 10.15217/issn2587-666X.2017.6.124

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