Features of the functioning environment of the Russian consumer market and their influence on the formation of a consumer behavior model

Бесплатный доступ

The consumer market of Russia, which is aimed at meeting the needs of the population in a wide range of goods and services, is quite actively and dynamically developing. Its main segments are retail, consumer services and catering. The contribution of retail trade to the country’s gross domestic product is about 16-18 %. In the structure of household consumer spending, food costs account for about 30 %, so grocery retail is developing most actively. Food is the first physiological need of a person, on the satisfaction of which his life and performance depend. The role of the state in the control and regulation of the consumer market and its prices is great. His condition is largely characterized by the structure and value of the food part of the consumer basket, which is regulated at the state level. The article discusses the features of the functioning of the food market in Russia and the dynamics of retail trade in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The analysis of the consumer confidence index of Russians and the factors of its formation. The model of consumer behavior of citizens is estimated and the nature of its influence on retail development trends is determined.


Purchasing power, food market, retail, consumer confidence index, consumer behavior, consumer basket, consumption norms, price index

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/149127347

IDR: 149127347   |   DOI: 10.24411/2072-8220-2019-00022

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