The structure peculiarities of epiphytic lichen communities of the West Siberian plain

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The structure and composition of epiphytic li-chen groups of Larix was investigated in the valley and watershed larch communities on the West Si-berian Plain. 58 different species of lichens belong-ing to 12 families and 36 genuses were found. On the basis of trunks of larches more types of lichens (45) were present in watershed sparse forests. 26 types of lichens were common in valleys and on watersheds. Specific saturation of epiphytic com-munities was higher in valley woods. Lichens were met on all trees. General projective covering of li-chens was higher in valley woods (62 % on aver-age), than in watershed (45 %) and valley sparse forests (30 %). The total contribution to general covering of bark lichens most often and plentifully found types on the basis of trunks: Biatora helvola, Vulpicida pinastri, Parmeliopsis ambigua, P. hyperopta - 82 % in watershed sparse forests, 78 % - in valley sparse forests and 76% - in valley woods. At the height of 1.3 m the set of types (26) is more various in valley woods. Common species numbered 16. Specific saturation of epiphytic communities was higher in valley woods. General occurrence of lichens was higher in watershed separate sparse forests - 93 %, in valley woods it made 91 %, the lowest occurrence in valley sparse forests was 84 %. General projective covering of lichens was higher in valley woods (45 % on aver-age), than in watersheds (30 %) and valley (15 %) sparse forests. The contribution of Melanelia olivacea and Lecanora hagenii to the total covering of bark lichens at the height of 1.3 m: 83 % - in valley woods, 80 % - in watershed and 41 % - in valley sparse forests. In valleys and on watersheds Vulpicida pinastri Biatora helvola, Parmeliopsis ambigua, Melanelia olivacea, Parmeliopsis hyperopta, Lecanora hagenii, Tuckermannopsis sepincola, Lecanora pulicaris, Bryoria simplicior, Amandinea punctata, Japewia tornoënsis, Parmelia sulcata, Hypogymnia physodes can be classified as group of active types.


Epiphytic lichens, species diversity, occurrence, covering, west siberian plain

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IDR: 140224302

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