Features of succession of weeds in cereals agrophytocenosis of Priob'e

Автор: Sineshchekov V.E., Krasnoperov A.G., Krasnoperova E.M.

Журнал: Сельскохозяйственная биология @agrobiology

Рубрика: Проблемы агрофитоценологии и интродукции

Статья в выпуске: 1 т.39, 2004 года.

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The features of succession of weeds were estimated by means of three-factor variance analysis during one or more rotation of grain-fallow and summer wheat as permanent crop. It was revealed, that time of succession is the main factor determinant the specific content of weed community. However, autumn ploughing and complete chemical loading of sown area also exert influence on forming of specific content of weeds. It was shown, that the successions proceed in compliance with model of «tolerance», when the segetal and ruderal species were replaced gradually by the species of natural community (hemicrypto- and hemiterophytes) as a result of increase total competition and differentiation of ecological niches.


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IDR: 142132953

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