Features of territorial and social mobility in the north: comparison of the forms of urban settling (the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) towns as an example)

Автор: Vinokurova D.M.

Журнал: Региональные проблемы @regionalnye-problemy

Статья в выпуске: 3 т.18, 2015 года.

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In the article it is compared the character of urbanization in the North, on basis of primary data for three towns in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). The Northern industrial cities were formed according to the unified scheme of municipal organization - «live where you work».However, in such cities there arrived and portably lived specialists from other regions, basically of technical - engineering professions, who were engaged in the industrial production, but did not integrate into local communities; therefore, they did not introduce the culture of urban relations to the countryside in the Soviet period. The post-Soviet period has been characterized by a mass departure of visitants from the Republic. On the other hand, there arise and develop the processes of urbanization within the local communities. These days Yakutsk attracts the population of the Republic as a center of urban culture, and the inflow of people from the countryside is steadily growing there. The shares of women and men in the urbanization processes are approximately equal.


Urban and rural migration flows, urbanization in the north, assimilating of the newly arrived population, be engaged in the industrial production, factors of feminization, migratory movements

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14328916

IDR: 14328916

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