Features of establishment of fraud committed with the use of CTP insurance policies

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Introduction: The insurance policy of compulsory third party liability insurance of vehicle owners (hereinafter - CTP) is one of the mandatory documents of vehicle owners and drivers. In accordance with the requirement of the Federal Law of April 25, 2002 No. 40 “On Compulsory Third Party Liability Insurance of Vehicle Owners, the owner of a vehicle is obliged to conclude a CTP insurance agreement. The document certifying the conclusion of this agreement is the CTP insurance policy, which is subject to mandatory presentation to law enforcement officials. However, as practice shows, today there are more and more cases of fraud committed using CTP insurance policies and in relation to these documents, which causes significant material damage to both insurance companies and road users. In this regard, it becomes relevant to develop recommendations on establishing the fact of this kind of fraud. This article discusses the elements of protection for the CTP policy, the features of identifying the fact of its falsification by law enforcement officials, as well as the possibility of conducting forensic examinations to establish the full or partial forgery of these documents. Materials and methods: regulatory materials governing the procedure for insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners, the State Standard for the production of secure printed products, scientific papers, and also information data posted on the official pages of electronic resources were used as research materials. The methodological basis of the study was the universal method of cognition, based on materialistic dialectics, which permeates all levels and the entire structure of methods, a system of generally cognitive methods (analysis, synthesis, observation, description, comparison), as well as private-scientific methods of cognition - visual research in reflected and transmitted light, microscopic analysis, study in the invisible ranges of the spectrum. Results of the study: allowed to systematize the information contained on the form of the insurance policy of CTP about the main methods of falsification, to establish specific signs of imitation of security elements inherent in policies that were not made at a specialized state-owned printing company. Findings and conclusions: in order to ensure a complete and comprehensive establishment of factual data in the investigation of fraud committed using CTP insurance policies, a proposal has been made on the need for a comprehensive computer-technical and technical-forensic examination of documents. In addition, to prevent this type of crime, the preventive work carried out by the staff of expert units to highlight the main methods of recognizing falsification of documents is of great importance. For these purposes, it seems appropriate to involve the media.


Qr-код, ctp insurance policy, fraud, technical and forensic examination of documents, russian union of auto insurers, form, security elements, recognition, qr code

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/143173201

IDR: 143173201   |   DOI: 10.24411/2312-3184-2020-10041

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