Features of perception of temporal perspective, their own physical health and level of social support in HIV-infected patients
Автор: Buzunova A.D., Isaeva E.R.
Журнал: Психология. Психофизиология @jpps-susu
Рубрика: Медицинская (клиническая) психология
Статья в выпуске: 4 т.10, 2017 года.
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This study examines the characteristics of perception of time perspective, own of physical health and level of social support in HIV-infected patients. An analysis was conducted of the personal characteristics, perception of time perspective, social support, and their own physical condition in 126 patients consisting on the dispensary account in the Saint-Petersburg Center of Prevention and Control of AIDS. The study involved 38 men and 38 women starting the medication. In a separate group made 50 of pregnant women receiving drug therapy to prevent transmission of HIV from mother to child. All the interviewed patients visited a psychologist before starting treatment. The study showed that the desire for cooperation is more pronounced in women than in men. Men with HIV are less prepared to interact with others, including doctors. Perception of time is characterized by high evaluations, but the psychological orientation of patients turned increasingly to the past and the future than at the present, it may indicate the inadequacy of ideas about the state of their health and focus on improving his physical condition since the beginning of the treatment. Almost all patients show a large number of somatic complaints, that is connected not only with the manifestations of the underlying disease but also with increased psychological focus on their somatic sensations, and, in particular, secondary - with somatization. All patients reported a higher level of social support from the surrounding "other", compared to support from relatives, indicating the importance of medico-psychosocial support for HIV-infected patients in the dispensary observation. The necessity of development of service of psychological and social support for involvement of family members and relatives to the organization of sufficient support for patients.
Hiv, personal characteristics, perception of time perspective, social support, physical condition
Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147160078
IDR: 147160078 | DOI: 10.14529/psy170402