The features of structure and ontogenetic state of European wild ginger population (Asarum europaeum L.) on the territory of Siberia

Автор: Kupriyanov A.N., Kazmina S.S., Kupriyanov O.A.

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Биологические науки

Статья в выпуске: 4, 2016 года.

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Asarum europaeum L. is a relict plant in Siberia. Large scale population of Asarum europaeum is located in Kemerovo region and isolated from the main part of areal. This population occupies 60 square kilometers in Gornaya Shoria foothills. In the result of ontogenesis study of Asarum europaeum the authors defined 3 ontogenetic pe-riods and 8 ontogenetic states. A germ states two cotyledons. In brephic plants a true leaf of 2 cm in diameter appears. Immature ontogenetic state is characterized by the appearance of two middle leaves about 3 cm in diameter. A virginal ontoge-netic condition starts with branching rhizomes. In this ontogenetic condition the average plate diame-ter is 3.5 cm. Young generative plants form flower and leaf buds on the top of short sprouts. These buds grow in spring, forming two leaves and a flower. Mature generative plants form a wedge with many roots, a leaf reaches a diameter of 7 cm. With aging the leaves’ diameter decreases. A large part of Siberian population of Asarum europaeum con-sists of old fruiting plants. The life cycle of Asarum europaeum L. in Siberia is shorter than in European forests. The rhizome of the European population includes 15 annual shoots, and no more than 9 in Siberian population.


Asarum europaeum, tertiare relicts, age states, population structure

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IDR: 14088320

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