Features of single-crystal growth of Bi 14P 2O 31 phase by the top seed method in solution

Автор: Babitsky Nikolay A., Zhereb Vladimir P., Kondratiev Ivan V., Kirik Sergey D., Koryagina Tatyana I.

Журнал: Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Серия: Техника и технологии @technologies-sfu

Статья в выпуске: 6 т.5, 2012 года.

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Explains features of the single crystals of bismuth phosphate Bi 14 P 4 O 31 by the top seeded solution growth method of the Bi2O 3 –BiPO 4 –BPO 4 –B 2 O 3 system and their thermal and x-ray, x-ray spectral analysis, optical locally and scanning electron microscopy.

Фосфат висмута bi14p4o31, bismuth phosphate bi14p4o31, obtain single crystals, top seeded solution growth method

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/146114693

IDR: 146114693

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