Features of growing thin film nitride-based coatings
Автор: Khaltanov V.E.
Журнал: Вестник Бурятского государственного университета. Химия. Физика @vestnik-bsu-chemistry-physics
Статья в выпуске: 3, 2024 года.
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The article considers the conditions for growing thin films of nitrides (TiN, Si3N4 and AlN) by ion-beam sputtering. The ion-beam method for obtaining layers involves three stages: sputtering of the target with ions of a chemically active component or its mixture with an inert gas; transfer of sputtered particles to the substrate surface; formation of a thin film on the substrate surface. Using the MathCad mathematical program we have simulated the first stage of nitride film growth according Sigmund’s theory. We have calculated the sputtering coefficients of Ti, Si and Al targets by beams of Ar+ and N2+ ions, as well as by a mixture of Ar+ and N2+ gases of various compositions in the range of sputtering ion energies from 1 keV to 10 keV. The calculation results allowed us to propose optimal coating growth modes.
Simulation, thin films, nitrides, ion beams, sputtering
Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148329961
IDR: 148329961 | DOI: 10.18101/2306-2363-2024-3-41-47