Features of views of the Soviet elite of 1920-1930 of cultural policy of Russia

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In the present article views of members of the first Soviet government of cultural development and its functions in lives of society, and also their relation to revolutionary events of October, 1917 are considered. The author notes that the assessment of revolution undergoes essential changes within the first decade after October, 1917. Analyzing V. I. Lenin, L. D. Trotsky, I. V. Stalin, M. I. Kalinin’s positions it is possible to draw a conclusion that their points of view on cultural policy were various and differed in discrepancy. One of the main tasks for the Soviet elite of the 1920-1930th building new society consisted in creation of “the new person”, “new culture” and “modern history”. The author analyzes the scientific and ideological methods used by the Soviet government for formation of homo soveticus.


Cultural revolution, bourgeois, "the collective person", eugenics, literaturotsentrizm, "popuchik", "muzhikovstvuyushchy"

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/144160971

IDR: 144160971

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