Features of recovery of a fine under the law on protection of consumer rights: judicial practice

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In in this article, the author considers the legal nature of the fine provided for by the Law «On the Protection of Consumer Rights», as well as the problem of collecting a fine in case of failure to satisfy the requirements of the consumer on the example of analyzing the practice of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. It is concluded that the recovery of a fine upon satisfaction of consumer claims is the duty of the court, provided that the plaintiff did not withdraw the claim as a result of the voluntary satisfaction of his claims by the defendant during the consideration of the case, and the direction and receipt of the statement of claim by the defendant and the failure to satisfy the lawfully stated claims before resolving the dispute on the merits is the basis for a fine.


Consumer protection, consumer, penalty, measure of responsibility, legal requirements

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170192956

IDR: 170192956

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