Protectedareas of the Polar Urals: current state and prospects of development

Автор: Degteva S.V., Patova E.N., Kulyugina E.E., Ponomarev V.I., Dulin M.V., Zheleznova G.V., Kolesnikova A.A., Kochanov S.K., Ogrodovaya L.Ya., Pastukhov A.V., Plyusnin S.N., Pystina T.N., Selivanova N.P., Tatarinov A.G., Teteryuk L.V.

Журнал: Известия Коми научного центра УрО РАН @izvestia-komisc

Рубрика: Биологические науки

Статья в выпуске: 3 (23), 2015 года.

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Flora and fauna of the Polar Urals are unique since the territory was formed on the boundary of Europe and Asia under the influence of historical, geological and climatic factors. The creation of the ecological network of protected nature territories in the Northern latitudes is particularly relevant in view of the vulnerability of ecosystems to external influences as a result of unreasonable nature management. The network of specially protected natural territories of the Polar Urals covers not more than 2% of the area of this part of the Urals territory. In recent years intensive development of mineral resources, renewable natural resources has taken place in the region. To highlight promising for protection areas of the Polar Urals, the field survey of coenotic, species and population diversity at key sites in previously unexplored or poorly explored foothills and mountain landscapes of the East European sector of the Arctic was carried out. The information on biodiversity of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems was generalized. Data on distribution of rare plant species was updated. The areas recommended for protection include the Kara river basin, Konstantinov and Bolshoi Manyasey mountains, Ochenyrd and Manitanyrd ridges, the surrounding of lake Bolshaya Lokhorta (Polar Urals)


Arctic, polar urals, natural protected areas, biodiversity, mountain tundra ecosystems

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IDR: 14992769

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